Tuesday, March 15, 2016

#IStinkAtBloggingLately #GetReadyForAPhotoBomb

It's been about two years now since I have started this little family blog. It's safe to say that lately I have been pretty lousy about keeping up with it. At the end of each year, I have printed the blog into a book, to keep as a family journal/scrapbook of sorts. I love having a hard copy of the year's adventures. So, despite my recent neglect, in an attempt to redeem myself and keep the tradition alive, here is a photo bomb of some recent happenings.

The sun has broken through a few times, so we took advantage of walking to watch the tractors and dump trucks at work.

 It was a sad day when Oaklyn's ice castle melted. She is still surprised when she doesn't see it outside anymore and asks where it went.She rarely wears clothes so I didn't even notice her "outfit" until someone pointed it out to me. This is a pretty regular look for her,

Just before the rain came to melt all our snow, we took Oaklyn snowshoeing for the first time. Kind of cool that we could go straight out our front door. In case you were wondering, we were the ones snowshoeing on top of the huge berms on the side of the road until we got to some "wilderness."

My mom and I went down to Roseburg to visit the Martins. It's always good for Princess Oaklyn to get roughened up by her cousins. Thanks to a thorough tutorial, she can now light saber fight with the best of them.

The scariest part of the Safari is always the ostrich's.

 And of course, the best view of the animals was with her head out the sun roof while sitting on top of my head.

Ode to Spokane

Life is really hard sometimes.

Dad's vest

Feeding the ducks

The Big Red Wagon slide

Just like her father

Cousin Jack or Oaklyn?

Oaklyn or Jack? These pics were taken over the summer, but I just realized that they are the exact same!!

 Some days God gives you a glimpse of heaven by showing you that a little bit of heaven lives in you.

Our little girl

 If those are already her cheeks, we are in for a real treat : )

 Meanwhile, outside the womb...on the same day haha : )

 Cheese, please

Best Buds

Feeding the ducks... again


She makes it look warm outside.

Just throwing sticks into the river at Pineriver Park

We discovered a little nature reserve pretty close to out house and found some sweet treasures along the trail

And sometimes we make pepperoni beds for our fairies.

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