Friday, December 2, 2016

KAYLA!!! #Blessed

They got me good!! I had NO idea!

All I hear is the doorbell, so I go to answer it, and who do I find??? The one, the only...KAYLA BRADLEY! I'm pretty sure I just stared at her for like 90 seconds before I said anything. I mean, it's not everyday you get honored by such royalty. I was so excited to see her!!

To put it simply, Kayla and I are basically long-lost-but-not-lost-anymore-cousins-by-heart-but-also-by-blood-because-technically-we-are-10th-cousins-but-also-1st-cousins-if-you-count-marriage-which-we-do-so-yeah-and-also-we're-twins-too-except-only-one-of-us-wears-overalls. Yep, that sums up our relationship.

Kayla and Michael had been planning this visit to Spokane for weeks. All I was expecting was a package...never did get that...pretty disappointing now that I think about it ; ) We had tons of fun all weekend long!!


More of this, please. #fisheye #isthatwhatitscalled?

Still in shock but really excited to be together! #reunitedanditfeelssogooooood

It didn't take long before we put Kayla to work, in fact, she made us dinner as soon as she got off the plane. Best grilled cheese in town. #freebabysitter

And then, we woke up one morning and decided to go kayaking. Only one person under the age of 4 fell in the water, but fortunately, it was really really warm out! #YOLO #myfriendsareallinschool #typicalmonday

#iwassonervousthatkaylawouldfallin #closecall #donotleantoofaroverPLEASE #haveyoudonethisbefore





#thisismybaby #isntshecute?

People from all over the world flock to Spokane for all the many, many fun things to do here, like look at the clock tower. #itssotiny #shecanholditinherhand #wow #magictrick #photoNOTedited #shereallyISholdingit!

We went on a bike ride on the Centennial Trail and through Riverfront Park. #Tourist 


It didn't take long for Kayla to learn that if you promise something to a 3-year-old, you better deliver, because they will NEVER forget. That is how Kayla ended up sewing handmade dresses for Oaklyn's dolls. #blessed



Cakewalk at GU Spike Night #memories


Copyright (c) KAYAL INC. #beenwaitingforthiswatershotforyears


But wait...there is more!!!

#thisisanexampleofcousinsbybirth #butalsobyheart #practicallygrewuptogether

#thisisSpokane #comevisitplease #kaylaapproved

#notcreepyatall #actuallyits100percentcreepy #viewfromtheplane #sunset #sleepyguy

#thisisthebestpictureever #basicallysumsupthetrip #thumbsup #kaylaisstndingonapillow #siamesetwins #sweatshirt #wearedorks #nowearenot!

#kaylamadeabook #thecoolestthingever #signedcopyplease #shewillbefamousoneday #waitshealreadyis

#imrelatedtoher #kindof #readabovedescription

#itwasreal #itwasfun #itwasrealfun


1 comment:

  1. Hahaha this was really funny and I don't even know Kayla :-D
