In an attempt to make up for my blogging absence for the past several months, here is a picture dump of some of the fun shenanigans we have been up to..
Just a typical day of gymnastics training at the park, getting ready for the Rio 2016 Games
The proper way to watch Curious George
Everyone does this, right?
Queen Elsa for Halloween...and every other day of the year
A Halloween ride in the Army truck
Riding the "Little Toot" train at Greenbluff
Michael ran a Half Marathon at Priest Lake and won his age group
Priest Lake on the morning of the race
Oaklyn got to go on a date with Grandpa out to the property to ride the ATV to go pick apples to feed the deer
That one time I actually tried to do something with Oakie's hair
Oaklyn is obsessed with wearing dresses and all things glitter and glam. Fortunately she still loves to get down and dirty... in her tutu of course
Just some quality bonding time with Grandpa
Oaklyn had a phase where she would wear a blanket on her head about 90% of the time.