Friday, July 20, 2018

Oaklyn's 5th Birthday!

Oaklyn is five! Happy Birthday! We spent the morning at the Cougar Mountain Zoo. And in the afternoon, we celebrated with friends at the park with cupcakes and a pinata! 

Can you say perfect coincidental photo-op for the birthday girl?!

Trying to get the macaws to talk...
Plus Otto looking so darn small in the stroller

Making cupcakes
Birthday Girl Pinata Hat

July Part One

Fourth of July Breakfast at Church

We call them "firework buns" because yeah.

Never enough...Never, Never...

The thimble berries are starting to pop!! It's officially summer in the PNW!

Otto Newborn Photos

My friend, Kristy offered to take newborn photos of sweet little Otto. Of course, I took her up on that! She did an amazing job and I love them all so much!