So, back in 2013, we had fun testing out pretty much every possible swimming spot in the Portland area and thought over each location as to which had the best area to also include a bike and run route. Vancouver Lake became the clear winner and we have held this "race" there every year since. There is a beautiful sandy beach with warm water, a paved bike trail, and a big grassy field to run in. All the course and race-day logistics planning occurred in preparation for the first year's race and so each successive year has been a piece of cake to throw together. Making the finishers' medals has also been so much fun and I love seeing how excited the kids get when they get to wear them around their necks! This little triathlon has been a perfect way to bring so many of our friends and their families together to enjoy swimming, biking, and running in the great outdoors
We have tried to make it as "real" as possible for the kids to experience what a real triathlon is like, from body marking, to race numbers, to finishers' medals, an awards ceremony, etc. While at the same time, our whole goal is simply to HAVE FUN!! We try to walk the line of just enough organization to avoid chaos and low-key enough so each family can go at their own pace and do what works best for their kids.
Huge thanks to Holly for coming to take pictures for us!!!
Pre-race meeting
This is what happens when you squat down too soon after the body marking ; )
The "game time" look of a girl and her puddle jumper, ready to start the race
Most of us before starting the swim
This year's medals!!!!
Medals in the works
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!
Course Map
Bike Course