Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Thanksgiving in California

We spent Thanksgiving in California with the Brown side of the family. We stayed at a beach house between Monterrey and Santa Cruz.

Two little chipmunks waiting at the airport
Jet Lag

Tide-pooling at Asilomar

Playing Peek-A-Boo



Monterrey Bay Aquarium

This about sums up the trip!

Sometimes, I sit on the beach pondering the solemnities of eternity

Uncle Heaven

Grandma Heaven

The Lone Cyprus on 17 Mile Drive

Caught in the Act

I've got a sack of potatoes!

Step One

Step Two

Step 3. Repeat.

We call them Kings.

Uncle Austin

Cutest artichokes in town

Fall Family Pictures

Thanks Jenae for the wonderful family pictures! You makes look good! : )

With the beautiful fall colors all around, we took a nice Sunday drive enjoying some of the most beautiful parts of Portland, the Rose Gardens, the Japanese Gardens, Washington Park, Hoyt Arboretum. We were searching for the perfect place to take some very casual family pictures. Turns out, the perfect spot was right in our own backyard - ok, just down the street. One of our favorite parks near our house, Gabriel Park had just what we were looking for- lots of color! So the next day, between the rainfall and sunset, we found the perfect window for snapping a few photos. We headed over to the park with our friend Jenae and we got some really good ones! Here are some of our favorites!

Always curious

This one is my favorite. Oaklyn is such an adrenaline junkie

One, going on 17

Hammin' it up!

Playing catch...or charades, not sure.

Classic "Get me out of here! I am done taking pictures!" photo : )

This picture captures what these two are usually up to - laughing and running